Showing posts from 2021

Omicron COVID Variant. Everything You Need To Know - Check Details

Omicron: What We Know About the New Coronavirus Variant The COVID-19 virus is consistently evolving because it seeks to evade human immune responses and infect more people but most of its evolutions are insignificant. Every now &…

Why do you need Health Insurance now? Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance is a type of insurance that helps cover the costs of an insured person’s medical and surgical expenses. These expenses might be related to hospitalization costs, cost of medicines, or doctor consultation fees. Wh…

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers | Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorney

Driving a car or Bike can often be a necessary task sometimes, but for many of us, riding a motorbike isn’t just going from Point 1 to Point 2. Rather, it’s a matter of enjoying the outdoors. But that enjoyment can often turn fat…

A Dead Soldier Still On Duty - Baba Harbhajan Singh's Real Story

Many temples of Gods and Goddesses are built in our country. But, have you ever ever heard of a soldier’s temple. A temple where people from far and wide come to worship. The temple isn't of any deity but of Indian soldier Ba…

U.S.-Taliban Agreement? What should India do? USA Role?

What Are The Taliban Promises? When the spokesperson of the Taliban was asked  the literal 'spokesperson'  the situation today is that  the spokesperson of the Taliban is talking to the media houses. When the spokesperson…

What is Taliban? Taliban take over Afghanistan | Fall of Kabul

Taliban has completely occupied Afghanistan now.  The Afghan Government has fallen.  And Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani  has fled the country.  According to some reports, he went to Tajikistan.  Some reports claim that …

History of modern Olympic Games - Olympic Games Origin

The Olympic Games are a world sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The first & original Greek games were staged every fourth year for several hundred years until they were abolished within the early Christian era. Th…

Life Lessons From Ramayana - You Should Learn

The Ramayana, the historical Hindu cult that defines the code of conduct (Dharma), defines the perfect models of varied relationships. The Ramayana is one of the best epics of Hindu History. Written by the Hindu sage Valmiki, the…

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